
Interview with CEO and Co-founder Ari Andricopoulos of RoomPriceGenie


We're interviewing Ari Andricopoulos, the CEO and Co-founder of RoomPriceGenie. Ari developed automation that helps hoteliers determine the best pricing policy for any given moment. It's not just a flat number, either. But as an easy-to-understand analysis that both provides advice and explains the reasoning behind the decisions. Can you tell us a

Interview with CEO and Co-founder Ari Andricopoulos of RoomPriceGenie2024-05-27T09:24:55+02:00

5 Reasons Why Implementing RMS in High Season Makes Absolute Sense


Check-in lines, a full luggage store, and you running around, juggling hotel admin work, staff, customer service, marketing, and prices. Welcome to the high season. Amidst this chaos, implementing a new technology solution like a Revenue Management System (RMS) might be the last thing on your to-do list. However, here are five reasons why doing so during this time could

5 Reasons Why Implementing RMS in High Season Makes Absolute Sense2024-05-20T10:36:33+02:00

Why Revenue Management Systems Will Never Replace Human Revenue Managers


When the desktop computer came along, it needed human input. It’s no different with an RMS (revenue management system.) Even an AI-enabled RMS can’t think independently (and that’s a good thing!) You’ve probably heard plenty about AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots that learn from biased human language and “deep fakes,” which are the 21st c. version of Photoshop. These are just

Why Revenue Management Systems Will Never Replace Human Revenue Managers2024-05-07T13:02:52+02:00

Steps for Success: Evaluating and Pricing Group Business


Group business is an undeniably important piece of the revenue puzzle for hotels. However, not all group revenue is equally valuable or desirable. To achieve an ideal mix of group and transient business, hotels must undergo a detailed evaluation process—one that can be greatly aided with an advanced revenue management system. Ten Crucial Steps to Evaluating and Pricing Group Business

Steps for Success: Evaluating and Pricing Group Business2024-05-22T18:27:23+02:00

Hotel Revenue Management System Adoption: Tips for a Smooth Transition


A revenue management system (RMS) is a fantastic tool for attracting demand from high-value guests, driving efficient operations, improving revenue performance, and increasing profitability. Of course, the best tools in the world won't do your property much good if your staff isn't bought in on their proper usage and equipped with what's needed to get the most out of them.

Hotel Revenue Management System Adoption: Tips for a Smooth Transition2024-03-25T10:52:49+01:00

Embracing Revenue Management Technologies in 2024: A Guide for Progressive Hoteliers


As we navigate through 2024, the hospitality sector is undergoing a transformative phase, heavily influenced by the integration of cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies. These changes are pivotal in not only enhancing guest experiences but also in driving revenue maximization. One noteworthy trend is the increasing adoption of revenue management technologies in the hotel industry, a movement gaining momentum in

Embracing Revenue Management Technologies in 2024: A Guide for Progressive Hoteliers2024-01-28T17:37:12+01:00

Revenue Management System (RMS): What Are the Advantages?


For those working in the hotel industry and looking to maximize business results, a revenue management strategy can be invaluable, and a high-quality Revenue Management System (RMS) can help to ensure success. In this article, you will find more detailed information about the importance of revenue management within hospitality settings and some of the main features and advantages associated with

Revenue Management System (RMS): What Are the Advantages?2024-06-05T14:19:30+02:00

Hotel RMS Evolution: From Ledgers to Spreadsheets to Cloud-Based Systems


While the evolution of all hotel operational technologies has been a fascinating study, the evolution of hotel revenue management systems (RMS) has been particularly interesting, as it has gone through so many distinct and completely different phrases in a relatively short time (approximately the last ten years). RMS Transformation - From Ledgers to AI Cloud Systems Through this evolution, revenue

Hotel RMS Evolution: From Ledgers to Spreadsheets to Cloud-Based Systems2023-11-21T16:08:32+01:00

The Development of Revenue Management in the Hospitality Industry


In recent years, the hospitality industry has navigated unique challenges. As we forge ahead into 2023 and 2024, the landscape of revenue management within this sector is undergoing transformative changes. These changes, crucial for adapting to new market conditions, enhancing efficiency, and aligning with customer preferences, notably accelerate technological integration. Revenue Management Trends in the Hospitality Industry This article delves

The Development of Revenue Management in the Hospitality Industry2023-11-21T16:34:20+01:00

Tips for Choosing a Revenue Management System for Your Hotel


Revenue management systems (RMS) are a new way of working for the vast majority of hotels – in fact, for most, this kind of software was not even an option before. But times are changing. Property management systems (PMS) are becoming more user-friendly, and such systems can help you simplify your life, save you time, and result in more revenue.

Tips for Choosing a Revenue Management System for Your Hotel2023-12-20T16:45:49+01:00

What Tech Trends Are Impacting Revenue and Guest Experiences In 2023?


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What Tech Trends Are Impacting Revenue and Guest Experiences In 2023? Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Chaya Kowal - Cluster Director Of Revenue Management, Potato Head Family Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga - Director of Revenue Management, Palladium Hotel Group Pablo Torres - Director, TEDUKA &

What Tech Trends Are Impacting Revenue and Guest Experiences In 2023?2023-12-20T17:20:18+01:00

What Advice Would You Offer to Hotels Choosing Their Tech-Stack?


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: What advice would you offer to hotels choosing their tech-stack? For example, best practices, features, potential pitfalls, and how to "future-proof". Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Dermot Herlihy - Commercial Director, DUKES LONDON Mariska van Heemskerk - Owner, Revenue Management Works Diego Fernández Pérez De Ponga -

What Advice Would You Offer to Hotels Choosing Their Tech-Stack?2023-12-20T16:46:12+01:00

What Would You Tell Hotel Personnel Choosing A Tech Stack?


Question for Our Hotel Marketing Expert Panel What would you tell hotel personnel choosing a tech stack? Our Marketing Expert Panel Peter Ricci - Clinical Professor and Director of Hospitality & Tourism Management Program at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Max Starkov - Adjunct Professor Hospitality Technology, New York University Kaylie Holley - Hospitality

What Would You Tell Hotel Personnel Choosing A Tech Stack?2023-12-20T16:46:36+01:00

Mythbusters: Revenue Management Technology


Do you run a smaller hotel or B&B that uses only manual processes to manage all your reservations, pricing, and inventory allocation? Have you avoided implementing technology to help support your internal operations because you worried that the solutions would cause more problems than they would solve? If so, then this article is for you! This article focuses specifically on

Mythbusters: Revenue Management Technology2023-12-20T16:49:35+01:00

Hotel Strategies on the Fly Using Revenue Management Technology


Accurate hotel forecasts take a lot of work to create. One day the industry celebrates sky-high returns (1) while other markets struggle to prevent occupancy from slipping beyond their control (2). Travel has always been a global industry, but more than ever, hoteliers find their properties impacted by international trends, which are increasingly challenging to predict. Amid these factors, the

Hotel Strategies on the Fly Using Revenue Management Technology2023-12-06T12:40:59+01:00

How to Use Stay Restrictions in Hotel Revenue Management to Drive More Revenue


Restricting your guests’ ability to book the stay dates they want may not sound like the best idea initially. But depending on your hotel, audience, and market situation, stay controls can be a vital revenue management tool. On top of driving reservations on slower days, they can increase revenue, reduce turnover and drive profitability. Read on below to discover more

How to Use Stay Restrictions in Hotel Revenue Management to Drive More Revenue2023-12-06T13:00:00+01:00

Considering a New Hospitality RMS? Watch Out for These 4 Myths


So, you’re thinking about upgrading to a more effective revenue management system (RMS) for your hospitality organization, but you have some doubts. Maybe you’re thinking: It’s too costly to install a different RM Learning a new system will take too much of my staff’s bandwidth My new system will take too long to learn how to price effectively It’s easier

Considering a New Hospitality RMS? Watch Out for These 4 Myths2023-12-06T13:52:13+01:00

Revenue Management System: The Ultimate Accelerator for Your Hospitality Business


Whether you're balancing a full plate of work priorities, searching for ways to maximize your revenue, or looking to gain better control over the fluctuating demands of the hospitality industry, a revenue management system (RMS) offers a comprehensive solution. Revenue Management is a Rapidly Growing & Changing Field More than anything, an RMS helps you manage times of uncertainty. And

Revenue Management System: The Ultimate Accelerator for Your Hospitality Business2023-12-06T14:57:58+01:00
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