Martijn Barten

About Martijn Barten

Hi, I am Martijn Barten, founder of I am specialized in optimizing revenue by combining revenue management with marketing strategies. I have over 15 years of experience developing, implementing, and managing revenue management and marketing strategies and processes for individual properties and multi-properties. LinkedIn, Personal page, Facebook, X. Click here for more information.

5 Ways Personalization Marketing is Used in the Travel Industry


The travel industry is highly competitive, and one of the best ways to attract and retain customers is to provide them with a personalized experience where they are treated as individuals. Personalization marketing is one of the best ways to achieve this because it means marketing content is more tailored and relevant. In this post, you will learn more about

5 Ways Personalization Marketing is Used in the Travel Industry2024-06-05T14:07:48+02:00

The Housekeeping Robots Driving Hospitality Industry Innovation


Housekeeping robots are machines capable of carrying out tasks typically associated with housekeeping departments, such as cleaning, tidying and moving objects. These machines are used to reduce the workload of housekeeping staff and improve operational efficiency. In this article, you can learn more about housekeeping robots and explore examples of some of the most innovative robots in use right now.

The Housekeeping Robots Driving Hospitality Industry Innovation2024-06-06T19:16:31+02:00

15 Destination Marketing Strategies to Attract More Visitors


Destination marketing can be invaluable for anyone who makes money by increasing the number of people traveling to a location. This includes local and national governments, airlines, travel agents, entertainment venues, tourist attractions, and operators of hotels and resorts. In this article, you will learn more about some of the destination marketing strategies that can help to attract more visitors.

15 Destination Marketing Strategies to Attract More Visitors2024-06-06T12:47:27+02:00

Smart Hotel Technology; 7 Technologies to Smart Up Your Hotel


None of us want to leave the comfort of our homes and downgrade our lives. We live in a world of smart technology, and we fully expect to holiday in a smart hotel technology world too. We can expect our hotels to lift our experiences from our everyday lives. The hotels should and could be shining examples of everything right

Smart Hotel Technology; 7 Technologies to Smart Up Your Hotel2024-06-06T11:36:48+02:00

7 Tips to Attract More Corporate Travelers to Your Hotel


Corporate travelers are a growing demographic and a target audience that many within the hotel industry are placing an increased emphasis on trying to appeal to. After all, a corporate traveler may use extra hotel facilities, return to your hotel multiple times and recommend it to colleagues and business partners. In this article, you will learn about corporate travel and

7 Tips to Attract More Corporate Travelers to Your Hotel2024-05-22T14:14:52+02:00

5 Hot Digital Trends in the Tourism Industry


The tourism industry is constantly evolving as new digital technology emerges. In this article, we explore some of the digital trends that are going to be most significant in the industry throughout the next year: from virtual reality, which is changing the booking process, to augmented reality, which is enhancing the in-person experience, to artificial intelligence, which is fundamentally changing

5 Hot Digital Trends in the Tourism Industry2024-06-06T17:11:09+02:00

Key Digital Trends in the Hospitality Industry


In the internet age, with information freely available and customers able to compare hotels easily, those in the hospitality industry must keep up to date with the latest digital trends. Not only can this help you to keep pace with hotel industry rivals, but it can also improve processes and enhance the customer experience you deliver. In this article, you

Key Digital Trends in the Hospitality Industry2024-05-27T15:52:58+02:00

Restaurant Revenue Management Strategies for Successful Managers


Getting your restaurant revenue management strategy right can be critical for your business's success. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about revenue management: what it is, what it can do for your business, and how to craft and implement the perfect strategy. You'll also discover key tactics and ways to apply them to your restaurant. Table

Restaurant Revenue Management Strategies for Successful Managers2024-06-01T13:51:25+02:00

Key Digital Trends in the Tourism and Travel Industry in 2024


It is important for hotel owners and other business leaders operating in the travel industry to keep up with the latest digital trends. Failure to do so can result in rivals gaining a competitive advantage and negatively impacting the customer experience, potentially harming your reputation. In this article, you will learn about six of the most important digital trends that

Key Digital Trends in the Tourism and Travel Industry in 20242024-06-04T22:01:07+02:00

What Is an Occupancy Rate?


Occupancy rate is a KPI used by those within the hotel industry to assess a hotel's performance. As a metric, it is concerned with the percentage of a hotel occupied, and can be used alongside other KPIs, such as ADR (average daily rate) and RevPAR (revenue per available room), as part of a revenue management strategy. Table of Contents: What

What Is an Occupancy Rate?2024-06-04T21:51:38+02:00

What Is RevPAR?


Revenue per available room, or RevPAR as it is usually shortened, is a KPI used within the hotel industry to assess financial and business performance. As a metric, it concerns both room revenue and occupancy rate, which makes it an important indicator of a hotel's overall performance and a valuable component of a revenue management strategy. What Does RevPAR Stand

What Is RevPAR?2024-06-04T21:53:57+02:00

What Does EBITDA Stand for?


Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, or EBITDA for short, is a KPI becoming increasingly prevalent in hotel management. Sometimes referred to as operating cash flow, the metric can be used to determine the operational profitability of a business, taking into account only its key daily running costs. Table of Contents: What Is EBITDA? Why Is EBITDA Important? What Is

What Does EBITDA Stand for?2024-06-04T21:07:07+02:00

Robots in the Travel Industry: 8 Real-World Examples


One of the most exciting technological developments within the travel industry in recent years has been the increased prevalence of robots, with examples ranging from text-based chatbots and front desk robotic assistants to security robots and robotic travel cases. This article takes a closer look at how robots transform tourism, providing eight real-world examples of their use and examining some

Robots in the Travel Industry: 8 Real-World Examples2024-06-04T22:01:33+02:00

What Is TRevPar?


Total revenue per available room, or TRevPAR, is a KPI used by those within the hotel industry to assess business results. It is concerned with the total revenue generated from rooms and space available. As a result, it can play an important role in a revenue management strategy and provide a useful snapshot of overall performance. What Does TRevPAR Stand

What Is TRevPar?2024-06-04T21:49:45+02:00

9 Tips to Increase Bookings Through Hotel Metasearch


Hotel metasearch platforms serve as an important distribution channel for businesses in the hospitality industry because many modern travelers will use the internet to shop around for the best rates and will turn to price comparison platforms to assist them with this. In this post, you will learn more about why the best hotel management strategies utilize hotel metasearch, and

9 Tips to Increase Bookings Through Hotel Metasearch2024-06-04T21:19:38+02:00

10 Pricing Strategies to Increase Your Hotel Revenue


Maximizing revenue is a top priority for hotel operators, and achieving this goal often requires the right pricing strategy at the right time. Making room rate adjustments based on demand, customer segmentation, and other factors can be the key to overall business success. In this article, we offer insight into ten pricing strategies that hotels can adopt in their revenue

10 Pricing Strategies to Increase Your Hotel Revenue2024-06-04T21:56:22+02:00
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