Strategies, Tactics, and Insights for the Hospitality Industry

    Optimize revenue, innovate processes, and improve customer experience

Hospitality Industry

Getting Started with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide for Hoteliers


Adopting smart technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the hotel industry has been a growing trend in the last few years, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent staff shortages. Tools that enhance operational efficiency and appeal to guests are becoming increasingly popular - but how do you start choosing one that suits your hotel brand best? Catch up with

Getting Started with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide for Hoteliers2024-06-03T14:23:18+02:00

Key Digital Trends in the Hospitality Industry


In the internet age, with information freely available and customers able to compare hotels easily, those in the hospitality industry must keep up to date with the latest digital trends. Not only can this help you to keep pace with hotel industry rivals, but it can also improve processes and enhance the customer experience you deliver. In this article, you

Key Digital Trends in the Hospitality Industry2024-05-27T15:52:58+02:00

Ten Steps to Successfully Introduce AI to Your Hotel Teams


If you plan to roll out a new smart technology or artificial intelligence tool at your hotel, you need to design a thorough team onboarding process. Getting your hotel staff on board with a new solution is key to successful adoption and operational efficiency, but it can also positively impact employee morale and retention. Many hoteliers miss out on this

Ten Steps to Successfully Introduce AI to Your Hotel Teams2024-04-22T11:30:34+02:00

5 Hotel Management Software Solutions Every Hotel Needs


For hotel owners, revenue management is incredibly important. It involves selling the right room at the right time and price to the right customer via the right distribution channel to maximize business results. To assist with this, many hotels use hotel management software packages. In this article, you will find the five most important software solutions within the hospitality industry.

5 Hotel Management Software Solutions Every Hotel Needs2024-06-04T21:58:16+02:00

5 Essential Tips to Choose the right Property Management System


For those in the hospitality industry trying to run a successful hotel, a robust revenue management strategy is of the utmost importance, and a property management system (PMS) can assist greatly. In this article, you will find the uses of a property management system and read five tips to help you select the right one. Table of Contents: What Is

5 Essential Tips to Choose the right Property Management System2024-06-04T21:56:45+02:00

Upselling Examples Restaurant: 12 Tips to Increase Your Revenue!


There are several upselling examples restaurant owners, managers, and other employees should be aware of, as they allow restaurants to boost key performance metrics like average revenue per customer and increase the overall revenue generated by the business. In this guide, you can learn about 12 of the most important upselling strategies. Table of Contents: What is the Restaurant Industry?

Upselling Examples Restaurant: 12 Tips to Increase Your Revenue!2024-06-01T13:28:14+02:00

How can the Amazon Alexa Echo Speakers Improve Customer Experience


Over the last few years, Amazon Alexa Echo speakers have emerged as a mainstream consumer product, allowing customers to control their 'smart' devices and appliances from a single place. More recently, Amazon has also brought the technology into hotels and resorts, launching a dedicated Alexa for Hospitality service. In this article, you will learn more about Amazon Echo speakers and

How can the Amazon Alexa Echo Speakers Improve Customer Experience2024-06-04T22:00:14+02:00

How Augmented Reality is Transforming the Hospitality Industry


In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a vital marketing tool, allowing businesses to change how customers perceive their environment. The technology is extremely valuable to the hospitality industry because hotels essentially sell a physical environment that can be enhanced through AR. Here, you learn how AR is improving the hospitality industry. What Is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality

How Augmented Reality is Transforming the Hospitality Industry2024-06-04T21:59:05+02:00

How Virtual Reality (VR) can Enrich the Hospitality Industry


Virtual reality, or VR for short, is one of the biggest emerging technology trends, and the business world is gradually coming to terms with the various opportunities it provides. Virtual reality appeals to those in the hospitality industry because it can digitally transport potential customers to a hotel or travel destination. This article teaches how hotels can leverage virtual reality

How Virtual Reality (VR) can Enrich the Hospitality Industry2024-06-04T21:58:43+02:00

Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: Best Practices


Social media marketing for restaurants is one of the most powerful tools for increasing footfall and enhancing revenue. Most people use social media and are likely to look for restaurant recommendations on their favorite platforms. Marketing on social media is the ideal way to promote your business. In this article, you'll learn key strategies for social media marketing. Table of

Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: Best Practices2024-05-30T14:49:03+02:00

How Can Voice Control Benefit the Hospitality Industry?


Successful leaders in hospitality management understand the importance of embracing new technology, especially when it can improve the customer experience. One example of a technology trend that has seen increased adoption rates in recent times is voice control technology, which can significantly benefit hotel owners. In this post, you will learn more about how voice control works and some of

How Can Voice Control Benefit the Hospitality Industry?2024-03-26T19:49:19+01:00

Marketing Strategy for Restaurants: How to Succeed


The right marketing strategy for restaurants can make or break a business. No matter how successful your restaurant business may be, a great strategy can build it further. In this article, you'll learn how to create an effective and dynamic marketing strategy for your restaurant business, whether a single location or a chain. Table of Contents: What Is the Restaurant

Marketing Strategy for Restaurants: How to Succeed2024-05-30T14:52:05+02:00

Important Restaurant Marketing Trends to Follow in 2024


Restaurant marketing is the main way that you will be able to reach new people, showcase your offerings, and attract more customers, but you will need to stay up-to-date with the latest restaurant marketing trends, too. This article teaches you about emerging marketing techniques and strategies in 2024 to remain fully competitive. Table of Contents: What is the Restaurant Industry?

Important Restaurant Marketing Trends to Follow in 20242024-05-30T14:44:51+02:00

Digital Marketing for Restaurants: Trends to Follow in 2024


Digital marketing for restaurants has never been more important. Every industry today needs digital marketing, but it's especially vital in the hospitality sector. As technology has evolved and consumer habits have changed, digital marketing has changed, too, with new platforms and techniques emerging all the time. In this article, you'll discover the secrets of digital marketing and how it can

Digital Marketing for Restaurants: Trends to Follow in 20242024-05-30T14:47:12+02:00

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process


Question for Our Revenue Management Expert Panel: How might the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLM) affect the booking process? What impact might they have on revenue management? (Question by Massimiliano Terzulli) Our Revenue Management Expert Panel Massimiliano Terzulli - Revenue Management Consultant, Franco Grasso Revenue Team Oleksii Kapichin -

Potential Impact of ChatGPT and other LLMs on the Booking Process2024-02-01T22:11:40+01:00

Hospitality Trends: The Latest Trends in The Hospitality Industry for 2024


The hospitality industry is competitive, and businesses must keep up with the latest hospitality trends to avoid being left behind. Additionally, keeping pace with the industry is a great way to ensure your business delivers the customer experience people want and expect. However, the needs and priorities of customers were also affected due to COVID. In this article, you will

Hospitality Trends: The Latest Trends in The Hospitality Industry for 20242024-05-30T16:09:56+02:00

Restaurant Marketing Agency: Why Choose External Marketing


Restaurant Marketing Agency A restaurant marketing agency specializes in promoting dining establishments through tailored marketing strategies. It's important because it helps restaurants attract more customers, enhance their brand image, and increase sales by leveraging social media, SEO, and targeted advertising, ensuring a competitive edge in a saturated market. Key Takeaways Social Media Marketing: Leverages social media platforms to boost restaurant

Restaurant Marketing Agency: Why Choose External Marketing2024-05-24T16:34:04+02:00

How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry


As computer technology has advanced, artificial intelligence has become more reliable, enhancing its standing within the business world. Indeed, hospitality companies increasingly use AI to carry out customer service tasks, especially important within hotels and resorts. In this article, you get a closer look at which way artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the hospitality industry. Table of Contents: What Is Artificial

How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry2024-06-05T15:15:32+02:00
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